Tuesday, September 7, 2010

There really is an app for that.

I just discovered what I'd been hoping for since I started blogging. Blogger and iPhone have gotten together and now there really is an app for that! It's called blogpress and it's 2.99 in the app store. I just downloaded it today and I'm testing it out. I'll let you know what I think when I figure it all out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. does it just make working in blogger easier?

  2. You can write blog posts on your phone!

  3. Hi there,
    I'm following from Mom Bloggers Club. I found an app on my iPhone called Pen My Blog and it was free. It connects with Blogger too. I bet the one you use has more features though since you paid for it.

    Head on over to my blog and take a look: http://fingerpaintingmum.blogspot.com

  4. Very Exciting! I am a brand new visitor to your blog. I just had to check it out since I am a red head, too! Just fab!
