Saturday, September 4, 2010

So Drama Queen turned 12 yesterday. And we all know what that Yay me. I dont know if your kid is like mine but she is planning next year's party before this year's party is over. What is up with that? And we can NEVER EVER do what anyone else has done because that is so....copying other people. Between DQ and Golden Boy we have come up with some good and not so good ideas for parties. One year when GB was about 5 we had a "backwards" party. The invitations were written backwards, everyone wore their clothes backwards, I even took their picture backwards. When you are 5 that is all quite hilarious. Not so much when you are 12.

Things kind of got out of hand after DQ's 9th birthday party with limo (it was cheaper than Pump it Up).I decided I couldnt outdo myself anymore (or my budget) so we started on the "every other year" plan for party. On your off year you can invite one friend over and do something fun and the other year you can have a party. But no bank-breakers.

I even tried to bribe her into not having a party. I promised to buy her a pair of rollerskates if she would trade in her party. I was foiled by her friend around the corner who gave DQ her old skates when she got a new pair. Dangit.

This year we finally agreed on a plan. She is inviting friends over to the house for pizza and cake and ice cream. The difference this year is that she is having boys. Boys. Over. To. The. House. The boys will go home and the girls will spend the night. I told her my job during the party is that I will have my ruler out and make sure that there is at least 12" between each boy and girl at all times. They may not look at or touch each other. Every time they did, Satan would kill a baby kitten.

So if you need me today I'll be the one running around waving my arms in the air frantically while BD watches football and the kids sleep late.


  1. I found your blog from Blog Brew Review. Yay! I am planning my 5 y/o's party. I love the backwards party idea! Love it. I also think the every other year party idea is a wise one, too. Looking forward to reading more from you!

  2. Kelley,
    Thanks for stopping by. The backwards party was a huge hit. Good luck with your 5 y/o party! And welcome.

    The Redhead
