Monday, July 19, 2010

This one band camp...

Well its that time again. Time for me to get my head out of my you-know-what. Band camp starts today for GB's school and another school in our town. Its gonna be brutal, y'all! The heat, the standing, the marching, the music. But hey, its worth the hard work and sweat by the end of marching season. GB is really geeked up about it, too. And I get to play water girl on Thursday this week and one day next week!

And with the end of band camp comes school supply shopping, which I LOATHE. Id rather go to the dentist or grout my tile. But that wouldnt do much good for the kids. What I love is getting everything bought and sorted and their names on it and then they come home from school with a whole other list. Woo. Hoo. One year we had to get composition books for science lab and there Werent. Any. To. Be. Found. So I bought enough for all of Shelby county when they finally got some in at Walgreens. And what is up with getting all new stuff every year? I need new undies too, ya know. Moms always get stuff last.

Im sure school starting will bring new blog fodder. My poor readers (all 7 of you) have been so neglected! I got the smackdown Saturday night. I'll do better I promise.

Ok, carry on!


  1. It wasn't "really" a smackdown. And it was meant in love.

    More than my luggage.

  2. I love you more than my luggage, too. But not as much as my purses.


