Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Go Girl!

Happy Columbus Day! Columbus Day is the day we celebrate Christopher Columbus and the discovery of what we now know as North America. But according to it is also You Go Girl Day! We all know we dont really need an official day to celebrate but IF YOU INSIST! The site says Oct 11 is "a tme to remember the courage of Kathy Sullivan, the first American woman to walk in space. On this day we are encourgaged to appreciate the efforts of 'ALL the women you know.' Well alrighty, here we go:

I want to say You Go Girl to all of the single moms! Im pretty blessed in that I have an awesome husband who takes up my slack with laundry, dishes, homework, etc. But I have several friends who are single moms and I dont see how they do it. Getting up every day and facing the world being a mom alone has got to be scary. There are some things I dont have a clue about that I have to let him handle like car repairs, and some things I just dont like doing like getting on a ladder or doing yardwork. So to all my friends who are single moms I say "YOU GO GIRL!"

1 comment:

  1. I was a single mom for my daughters first three years. I was fortunate to have a very supportive family.
    Not every single mom gets the help I did. So yes, kudos to those that take the responsibility of raising a little life on their own.

    You go girls!
