Monday, August 2, 2010

Not the Redhead! Not the Redhead!

Well, if you haven't figured it out from the title yet, I'm not the redhead. I am "Friend of the Redhead." While Red and BD are vacationing in an undisclosed location (let's just say "what happens there stays there"), she asked me to guest blog. Red and I go way back. We knew each other back in Jr. High (back in the days before they even had Middle Schools). We had mutual friends. BD and I went to high school together. Who knew that 20-some-odd years later we would all end up being good friends, our kids would be growing up together and that Red and my wife would be in a cult together. (That's for another post.)

Anyway, I've really been bothered by something lately. If you watch any TV in the area, you've probably seen it also. And I want to do something about it. I think we should start a telethon or have a fundraiser -- something, anything. This man needs our help. There's this little ol' white-haired man that could be any of our fathers or grandfathers. It started when he couldn't hear his grandaughter while they were outside playing soccer. Well thankfully he got a device so he could hear again, and all seemed well. But he must have stopped wearing it or something because the next time I saw him, he was needing a power chair. I don't know if he forgot to wear his hearing aid and stepped out in front of a truck or what, but now he couldn't get around without the aid of a power chair. Well, thankfully that Tom Cruse guy (not the one married to Katie Holmes) helped him out and got him one (even if his insurance wouldn't cover it). Things seemed to be looking up again. The next time I saw him though, things just went from bad to worse. He must not have been able to work because of the accident, because now he and his wife owe the IRS over $20,000 in back taxes. Hopefully this company in the latest commercial will be able to help them settle for only$1,000. At least there was some good news in the last commercial -- he was standing again and he didn't seem to be having any trouble hearing. Maybe they should sell the power chair and hearing aid on e-Bay and pay off the IRS. I'm thinking this poor guy has the worst luck of anybody. My wife thinks I watch too much TV. Anybody know how I can get in touch with Jerry Lewis?

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