Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Teaching your children to drive

Golden Boy is now old enough to learn how to drive. I got him a copy of the Tennessee Drivers Manual and told him he could not take his test to get his permit until he had read it. He has not opened it. Im fine with it. Im not that excited about unleashing my kid on the streets when he turns 16 nor am I excited about the prospect of what car insurance is going to cost for him. The requirements are a lot stricter now than they were when I turned 16 (and knew everything there was to know, by the way). And Im glad, it takes some of the pressure off of the parents making the rules. I can just blame it on TDOT.

He has, however, been practicing on the road. I say on the road, what I really mean is empty parking lot. Less targets to hit, maybe just a curb or something. He drives pretty well actually. Its the braking he has trouble with. Im surprised the imprint of my forehead is not permanently ingrained in the dashboard. Lets just say that braking is something you have to have a "feel" for. I guess you could say he's not feeling it.

So far, I have not lost my cool. Yet. But evidently just a few practice sessions has made him into some driving Barney Fife. "You're going too fast." "You didnt stop enough at that stop sign." "You didnt use your blinker." Whats up with that? The fact that you sat in the driver's seat a few times does not make you a driver any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car.
Well at least he would be stationary.


  1. I remember those days .. those horrible, horrible days.

  2. My dad yelled at me to "RelaX" and my mom laid across the back seat and made whimpering sounds when I first started driving. Try it. It makes one want to NEVER drive again for a long time!
