Monday, March 8, 2010

Im Real....

One thing I've heard lots of people say about me (among other not so repeatable things Im sure) is that Im real. Probably a little TOO real. I have a big mouth, but no filter. Sometimes I probably need a zipper.

I just completed a 2 phase project at work that involved a lot of learning on my part. Not just knowledge type learning, but learning to keep my mouth shut and be politically correct. Lets just say THAT was a huge learning curve for me. If you ask me my opinion about something you are pretty much going to get it. I had to learn when to speak and when to keep my mouth shut and save my real opinion for the "meeting after the meeting." Lets just say I learned that the corporate world is better left to someone else. I couldnt wait to get back to being just a regular ole nurse.

The upside of being real is that you will always know where you stand with me. I dont sugarcoat things, what you see is pretty much what you get. It means I wont ever be "Nurse of the Year," but oh, well.

I guess its the small price I pay for being real.


  1. Oh YES SHE IS REAl. It did not take me long to figure that out. Don’t let her fool you there is a soft side but you always know where you stand. She may have learned when not to say anything but I always got to hear about it.
    Big Daddy

  2. I still struggle with this and it was diffucult when I was working because I don't really have a filter... sometimes people are just ass clowns and need to be called out. Apparently corporate america doesn't always agree. It has gotten better with age, experience, wisdom, what have you, but it's not always easy.

  3. No, its not always easy but Im learning. Thanks for stopping by!
